Thursday, 12 March 2015

Why You NEED to Invest in Amazing Shoes

You need those shoes. You've told yourself that over and over again while casually shopping at the mall, but you weren't actually able to put your finger on the precise reason until now. It's an investment for your future to buy those shoes!
Image result for mens shoes

Okay, so the return on your investment might not be monetary. Your closet will grow and you will be happy, but the biggest thing that you'll get from really investing in your shoe collection will be a more polished, professional, fashionable look.

What does it mean to invest in your shoes?

Well, to be honest...It means spending some money. Even if you're a sales rack aficionado and a bargain bin queen, you'll need to shell out at least a moderate amount of cash to really upgrade your collection.

Especially if you're working a full-time career-starting job, this is in your best interest. You can hear it over and over and over again: Don't dress for the job you have, dress for the job you want. And the job you want probably requires a few trendy pumps and work appropriate wedges.

Trust me, this is not actually more important that you're work performance or job capability. You can't just sit there looking pretty and expect to get promoted. But looking polished and professional may help give you an extra edge in a highly competitive world.

So go ahead, shop! It doesn't have to be all at once. And for the love of God don't max out your credit cards, but don't be shy about an occasional splurge on shoes. You'll learn that they really pull together and elevate an outfit more than any other accessory.

Make some smart purchases: a classic pump, a comfortable wedge, a trendy heeled sandal. Think neutral colors to start, but feel free to branch out to fun colors and patterns. At the very least a new set of shoes will give you something to look forward to on Monday morning.

Whatcha think???

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